Focused Denials Management

Adjudicating every claim per the terms of your contracts and the most current fee schedules and applying business intelligence analytics is the only way to know if you are being properly reimbursed.  Our revenue integrity analysts are constantly monitoring denials and support you in initiating individual and bulk appeals.

Evaluating denials based on billing practices, coding, claims data, and contracts using the focused business intelligence of Synergy Revenue Integrity helps your team improve processes and prevent future denials.

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Identify where revenue is leaking and why

Synergy Revenue Integrity helps:

  • Identify the root causes of denials, reversals and other revenue integrity issues
  • Monitor revenue integrity interventions daily
  • Tracks results from mitigation strategies
  • Identify what’s working
  • Identify who in your organization needs help & what they need help with
  • Identify patterns and trends and isolate where in the revenue cycle process problems are occurring
See the Whole Picture, Make Lasting Improvements

The volume of data associated with every claim transaction is simply too great to manage without sophisticated business intelligence. Synergy Revenue Integrity puts analytics in your hands that help identify trends and patterns across all payers. Sophisticated analytics and drill through tools provide unique views and help identify the root causes of revenue integrity problems.

Synergy illustrates the impact of corrective actions and the progress towards quantifiable goals you’ve established. Daily updates show how each process improvement initiative is performing against your goals and ensures that everyone is on the same page.