Active Contract Management

Synergy Revenue Integrity models all your contracts and fee schedules and keeps them current. We use modeled contracts to derive allowable reimbursement for all claims and we compute variances based on 835 remittance advice. Our business intelligence identifies underpayments, contract load issues and inappropriate denials. We provide tools and processes to help you manage appeals on a timely basis and recover fees based on contract terms.

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SRI offers a user friendly system with easy to use dashboards so you can easily manage all information about your practice. From payment variances, provider underpayments and color coded denial reasons, you will have a clear understanding of your reports.

Managing the Process of Contract Management

We manage and transmit provider credentials to all payers and monitor claims remittance advice for contract and credential related issues. We identify problems when they occur, not months later, and we resolve them on your behalf with payers.

We also evaluate your fee schedules and make recommendations based on our experience.

Contact Terms & Renewals

We can improve your contracting strategy by providing detailed analysis of the prior contract performance, by payer, by provider. We model proposed changes to contracts to help you understand how these changes will impact your practice. We can also help you evaluate the impact of performance and at-risk provisions of contracts. Access to our considerable experience in contract management and negotiation is included with the Synergy Revenue Integrity service.

See the Whole Picture, Make Lasting Improvements

The volume of data associated with every claim transaction is simply too great to manage without sophisticated business intelligence. Synergy Revenue Integrity puts analytics in your hands that help identify trends and patterns across all payers. Sophisticated analytics and drill through tools provide unique views and help identify the root causes of revenue integrity problems.

Synergy illustrates the impact of corrective actions and the progress towards quantifiable goals you’ve established. Daily updates show how each process improvement initiative is performing against your goals and ensures that everyone is on the same page.