Performance Intelligence Tool

The Performance Intelligence Tool (PI Tool, PIT) helps you review and analyze claims data for the previous 12 months. It helps identify the root causes of any issues and the negative financial impacts that your practice may be facing.

Our PI tool can update claims data daily so you know what information you’re getting back. It’s a great management tool to keep your heads and hands around what is going on with your revenue cycle. In today’s world, managers have to run too many different reports from the billing system, spend days analyzing and piecing together the data, and by the time they finish, it is out of date.

The SRI PI tool can help take data directly from the payers and does not have to rely on reports out of the billing system which can be skewed. The PI tool does all of the analysis for you daily and provides complete transparency for best efforts to close the gaps and stop revenue leakage.

Full Service System

Stuck on something while using the tool? We can assist you in closing gaps. You can also upgrade to our complete Synergy Full Service 5C System which comes with all of the BI analytics and dashboards, as well as our support services (process improvement, credentialing, coding, contracting, etc.). We can locate and fix the gaps for you to help increase your practice revenue.

  • Contract Management

  • Claims Denial Management

  • Coding & Compliance

  • Credentialing

  • Cash – Patient Payment Obligations